I think we’re open to speaking the truth and we’re learning more about different skin types, skin conditions, the effects good and bad of medication. With social media now, there’s so many bloggers out there sharing their own skin stories and helping others to embrace the skin they’re in. Even though on the one hand this shift feels positive, I feel at the same time, face tune, editing apps and even standard settings on camera phones are now blurring the skin to make it smooth – ultimately enforcing this idea of one acceptable skin type. Which, to me, feels like we’re going backwards. Wouldn’t it be great to get to a place where when we show different kinds of skin, in an editorial or advert, we don’t have to highlight it? I think photography can certainly contribute to reshaping societal beauty standards. But I think we all have a part to play and a voice we can use, so wherever I can, I’ll try and fight against these unrealistic standards.