I love being feminine and beauty.
I love having the freedom to express myself, with my art, my body, my choices.
I love being soft, and sensitive.
I also love my strength and knowing what my body is capable of.
I love my physical body, my skin, my hair, my curves but also knowing what it can tolerate and its capacity to heal.
I love how connected I am to my body and how connected my body is to nature and earth.
I love how connected I am to other women in my life, being able to communicate with them even without words.
I love the solidarity and sisterhood that I can feel with other women even complete strangers.
I love my ability to nurture and care for others and I love knowing I can trust my innate inner wisdom.
I love sharing and helping others.
I love being empathetic, compassionate and a good listener.
I love my mom and my grandmother and knowing that I came from a long linage of beautiful kind and strong women.
By Kimbra Audrey x ROWSE